
  • Checking / Savings account is the preferred method of monthly payment.
  • Any updates / changes to billing information must be submitted at least 5 days prior to billing date.
  • Use of a credit / debit card will add $2.50 to monthly payment.
  • All declined payments will result in a $15 return/late fee.
  • Every member will have an annual fee of $50

Billing Dates:

  • Mei Fitness Fishers collects all membership payments by auto withdrawal on or near the 1st of every month. Mei Fitness has no control over Bank’s weekend & holiday hours of business.
  • Mei Fitness Southport collects all membership payments by auto withdrawal on or near the 10th of every month. Mei Fitness has no control over Bank’s weekend & holiday hours of business.
  • Mei Fitness Keystone collects all membership payments by auto withdrawal on or near the 20th of every month. Mei Fitness has no control over Bank’s weekend & holiday hours of business.


  • All cancellations must be done in person, signed & hand delivered at any Mei Fitness location.  We do not accept cancellations by phone, fax or email.  Official Cancellation FORMS are available at all Mei Fitness Location.
  • Cancellations are effective 30 days from the next billing day. Please timely summit your cancellation understanding that your next payment will be your last.
  • All balances and fees must be paid in full in order for your membership to be cancelled.

Guest Policies:

  • Mei Fitness offers Memberships only, NO Guest passes allowed.
  • Touring of facilities is available during staffed hours ONLY
  • Members helping Non-Members gain unauthorized access to our facilities will have their memberships terminated immediately.
  • Non-Paying spectators are not allowed at any time.
  • Kids are not allowed outside the kids’ room at any time.