Ian Asher – Update from Haiti
Dear Loved Ones,
A lot has changed since the last time I was able to write you all a letter. We have been extremely busy. We have begun 3 new Bible studies in Voodoo camps, we have seen many get free from their bondage of Satan, but he is putting up a fight. Persecution has gotten worse, our suffering has gotten worse, and we even had a demonic manifestation in our house during one of our Bible studies. I know some of this may seem crazy in America because it is rarely if ever experienced, but the devil is trying to battle. Prayers are needed cause God is the only one that can protect us and these people from the evil that surrounds us. One of our close friends was hit by a truck and is in critical condition and probably will not make it. His name is Andreis so I ask for prayers for him and his family and also the community that surrounds him. He is a father figure to that community and taught most of them how to sing hymns and has helped many with their faith journey. One of the hardest things I have done is sit in the same room as him and watch him suffer with no one to help. The doctors just sat around giving no help till they were paid to take him to Port au Prince.
In all this I do not ask God to take it away, but to take me deeper. Suffering is promised for the true Christian. “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Timothy 3.12, and who would not want this is if you believe the bible. “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed.” 1 Peter 4:16, “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” Matthew 5:11. I could go on but I think you get the point, and what I have experienced from this is the deeper into suffering I get, the more joy I find. The more I see God’s glory. So I will never pray to take it away, but only to take me deeper. This is a nightly prayer for me.
Other things that have happened, we had another team in the middle of June. My mom was on that trip so that always makes for a good trip. I have begun the outline to my book that I hope to have published by the end of 2017 ( I will give you more information on this as things come together). I have been blessed with the opportunity to preach at many different churches every Sunday, some as far as a 5-hour trip. Overall I have been experiencing a closeness to God that I have never had before. When you are in the middle of Satans playground you must rely solely on God and that is the position I always want to be in. as C.T Studd said, “some wish to live their life within the sound of a church bell, but I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of Hell.
I’m sorry if it seems that my attitude has changed since being here. It has in many ways, due to daily experiences and the things I have seen. But I am convinced of this, my heart has grown more than ever. I am finding a love for people that only God can give. I no longer see them as people, but souls with an eternity. I still need to become more of a servant so please pray for me in that area.
I miss you all and cant wait to see you all again. I desperately pray for each of you to seek God with all your heart and follow his path no matter how sacrificial it may be.
As you pray please keep these things in mind, Andreis and his family and community, pray against the spiritual evil that is here and pray that Voodoo priest lose their power (we have 27 leaders around Sud-est praying for this as well, so the devil will come out fighting). Pray for the Henderson family as they continue their great work serving, and loving the people many look at as unlovable. Pray for me to become more of a servant and my battle with loneliness. Thank you all so much and I hope to write you again soon! 800-479-6710
I love you all,
Ian Asher