We all want that summer bod. Summer time is for the pool, the beach, the lake and so forth! So naturally we want to feel confident and happy in a bathing suit!
While summer shredding is not on my plate, I am doing something a bit unorthodox. My plan this summer is to bulk. I’m doing this because I want to gain as much muscle as possible to shred when school starts back up. I’m doing this because I would really like to compete in a show this coming winter. However, I haven’t worked out all the logistics of it but that doesn’t change my plans for this summer.
For those wanting to shed some and get that bikini bod in shape, here are 5 tips I recommend.
- Get in the gym as much as possible, two times a day even. granted we don’t all have time for that…. MAKE TIME.
- Mixing cardio in with lifting. Fasted cardio in the am, so your metabolism speeds up through the day and lifting in the evening. Or both at one time. Also work those abs, use weights to do so. This will strain them and push you harder!
- Fewer calories but better nutritional value! Substitute that Twinki for nuts and a banana! Make this long lasting. Eat frequently yet, each smaller portions. PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN!!!! This will fill you up, lower your hunger and speed your metabolism some. Keep a record of what you’re eating. Trust me, it keeps ya accountable…
- Get your rest! Your body needs time to recover and during the sleep time your body has time to rest.
- DO NOT keep track of your weight in numbers. My recommendation? Get rid of that scale you step on every morning and use that handy dandy little phone of yours to take a picture and keep track by how you feel from the beginning to the end. Know your body and recognize the changes. Use anything other than a scale. Weight in numbers isn’t the tell all.
I am not a nutritionalist nor am I a pro at these things but these are things that I do know and have done me wonders in the past!
Enjoy these tips! Enjoy the summer! Enjoy this life!

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5920 E Stop 11 Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46237 800-479-6710
10610 E 96th St, Fishers, IN 46037 800-479-6710
9166 E US Hwy 36, Avon, IN 46123 800-479-6710
-Adrienne Jackson, Wolfness Blog
– Mei Fitness