The most difficult body part for me to build up are my glutes. Is there anyone else out there with that problem? You see, I get so frustrated sometimes because I look at all the beautiful gals on instagram and twitter and think, “Why can I not build these buns faster than its going?”. I let my insecurities of other people all over the internet, get in my way of what I know to be true of myself and what my goals are. Any other ladies out there feel that way?! I mean come on… we all have a type of envy for another woman’s body. It’s natural in this society today. Some days can be worse than others, but it doesn’t change the fact that your goals are only yours and you have complete control over how you accomplish those goals.

When I started going to Mei Fitness at the Southport location, my workouts got better. Reasons being I could focus completely on my goals in the gym and what I wanted out of myself and my body. I know I talk a lot about Mei but like I said, Mei has made my goals much easier to reach.

Lets me just talk about the 8 different squat racks they have for a second. These racks have mirrors that stretch alll the way down the wall. For me this is a number one plus because I get to watch my form and make sure what I’m doing is correct. And the 4 plat forms?! May I just say I have been to Planet Fitness, Get Fit Gym, and LA Fitness and not one has such beautiful platforms. Or platforms at that. Not EVEN 8 racks!! Like geez oh Pete, we all know how busy the gym gets at rush hour! Oh! And not to mention the 6 different types of leg presses…. each other gym I have been to had maybe two to three different types. Let me finish this rant by saying: ladies, if you’re looking to build up those glutes Mei is the place to do it. Men, we know you like gaining the booty and legs up as well so get in there and check it out.

So okay, I kinda told y’all earlier how I had insecurities. Every woman and man has insecurities. If you don’t, you’re a superhuman. End of story. But for me I tend to let the world decide what and how I should look. What I have learned is that no amount of media or what I hear is the ideal look for a woman, is going to sway how I feel when I look in the mirror. Something that has helped me when I’m feeling low and down about my body is, “you are strong, you are important, and you are beautiful.” It may sound cheesy but sometimes it really helps. Although, more so than not, the gym does the trick for me. It’s a therapy session and a mood booster in so many ways.

Ladies and gents, DO NOT let the world decide how you should act, feel, and be. Don’t let the world decide what the perfect ideal is for what’s okay and not. Who you are and what you look like is not the worlds decision. Feel good in your skin, feel good in who YOU are. Look in the mirror and know you are unique in your own ways and know that that is beautiful.

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10610 E 96th Street
Fishers Indiana 46037

Adrienne Jackson, Wolfness Blog
– Mei Fitness