2019. BRING IT ON!
We all make goals for the new year. We want to make better decisions and create something that will stick with us through the year. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. Its a hit or miss, and really all depends on the dedication you throw into that goal.
For some of of you and for me its to get into better shape. Now, you might be thinking what the heck A_Jacs, you are in shape!! But there is always more to do. There is always some way to improve.
Mei Fitness makes it easy to stay motivated throughout the year and reach your goals. The price can’t be beat for the service you get! Including tanning! Talk about convenient.
Resolutions can be very frustrating to me if I’m being completely honest. I’ve watched and listened to people all my life saying what they are going to do in the coming year or what they are going to change. The one thing I have observed is that most of those people do not do as they say or change what was mentioned. That’s the problem for me, with resolutions.
There isn’t much commitment to such sayings. However, telling people who will keep you accountable in such areas that target your specific resolution is very important.
For me I have people everywhere to keep me accountable in my specific resolution of growing in my fitness lifestyle. Making it to the gym when I don’t feel like hitting the weights, as well as actually recording different exercises to reflect on and even post on my social media, which is in fact a big struggle for me.
Even though resolutions are a way to start something new, think of the resolution as a goal to reach. As well as a lifestyle to begin instead of something that comes around every year. This mindset has helped me make strides and improvements towards my goals, ultimately establishing a deep passion for the fitness community.
So bring on the new year with a good support system behind you to help achieve your set goals. Dont be afraid of the challenge that lies ahead, nor failing because in every failure there is success.
Thank y’all for reading, enjoy your New Years!!
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5920 E Stop 11 Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46237, USA
-Adrienne Jackson, Wolfness Blog
– Mei Fitness